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Friday 22 September 2017


Nigeria is the biggest black nation in Africa with over 30 million inhabitants. A  country blessed with natural resources and talented youths. But every year, not less than 400,000 graduates  emerge out of universities, polytechnics and colleges of education  with little or nothing to contribute to the society. That is to say - they come out half baked! And unable to defend their certificates. They  are the so called "first class, second class and third  class graduates"  yet,  complain of unemployment.

It is true that the bastardised Nigerian system of education has made us believe that being a graduate simply means "acquiring certificate". But I'll always be of the opinion that if you keep accusing  others for your  own stupidity, then you will never be wise.

We keep  criticizing  the 21st century lecturers for producing "schooled but uneducated  graduates". But how many students after classes go back to their hostels to study??? Instead, they are either laughing from one neighbour's room to another or watching movies on laptop.  Some of them pay little or no  attention during classes. They are either on Facebook, messenger or WhatsApp or watching  funny videos or even  thinking of something else while lecture is on going, then tomorrow the same student would say" I don't understand... In fact the lecturer cannot even teach".  My dear,  may God help you to understand since man cannot make you understand.  99% of this "so called students" only open their books during exam period.  I know of some students in the university who have special wears for evening stroll, that is to say -they must stroll  every evening. So tell me when and how such a student has time for his books or to develop himself or even think of promising ideas that can make the society better???

I have seen a law masters degree holder who can't make a simple sentence. This is  really appalling oo!  Now tell me, is it in the university you expect to learn  to read and write and express yourself???  We forget that the basic things that makes one educated are acquired  in  primary and secondary school. The higher institution, i say - is not cut out for all that! The  university is  made to help you improve in knowledge and attitude and not to teach you to pronounce words or spell them.

We keep complaining of unemployment when 99% of graduates  even render themselves jobless before graduating. You can imagine a chemistry student waiting for the government to provide  job for him, when he can use his  knowledge of chemistry to start up a plastic industry, paint industry or even a consuming industry. Instead of helping ourselves in the best possible way we can, we would rather prefer carrying "extra large files"  from one oil company to the other, and when your not granted the job, you turn  around to say "the government is not trying ". Just in case you don't know -it is not every course that requires job offer after school. Some courses were made to be  self-employed, in case you're still waiting for your ancestors to resurrect from the dead to  give you a job " Mr/Miss file carrier ".  You keep carrying file up and down as if to say your father planted an oil company somewhere in Nigeria. No ooooo! If your father actually planted an oil company somewhere in the country, I can even help you  fight the government to give you your share, but if not, just wake up from that your slumber with immediate alacrity.

You see a so called first class graduate who can't even write his application letter  nor speak fluently, and you went to school??? No! No! No!  You went to school??? Hahahaha... Oh my God!
OK, you can imagine a student scoring below 200 in jamb...saying "the exam was tough"  Did I just hear you say tough?? Weren't you  taught those things in school? Or did you not come across them in the text book?  Now who do you blame??? The lecturers??? If they teach you, will they also read your books  for you??  Oh! My friend don't be silly!

Maybe our lecturers contribute to the  poor academic system, but you that is reading this,  contribute even more to it. If you  continue to blame  lecturers for your  poor mentality, then be prepared  to be a nobody. And  In case you're still wondering why you're jobless, I am glad to let you know that YOU ARE THE REASON YOU'RE UNEMPLOYED.

Have you  ever imagined how "life after school" would have been If you had taken time over the years to develop yourself, not waiting for any lecturer or Vc? Don't you think you would have been able to start up something for yourself with the knowledge you acquired,  and safe yourself the stress of wandering with a big plastic file  from one office to another.

Its about time you realised  that being employed has less or nothing to do with your certificate.
So If after  4 -5 years of schooling and all you can boast of is just "a first class certificate" then you should be ready to remain unemployed until you can develop yourself beyond your degree.
In as much as its good to obtain the best degree, it is even best to be of the best personality.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.       Albert Einstien

It is only by way of self development  that one can become  truly educated. Always make time for yourself each day, to think deep on those  areas of your life that needs to be improved.
Stop looking for a short cut to employment because those days of "short cut employment/poverty eradication" are gone.
The bitter truth is  - You're either helping yourself or no one is helping you!



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