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Monday 7 August 2017


Dear young one, am writing you this because I want you to be the best of whatever you are and the light that shines out of darkness.
Growing up was never an easy task. So many temptation and obstacles here and there. Most times we end up doing the very things we said we'll never do.
We all look up to strong, independent men and women, but how do we become one ourselves?
The major problem of the younger ones is that they are more concerned about being popular and fashion conscious than developing themselves internally. They think it's all about knowing everybody and everybody knowing them.
Now I want to let you know that those things don't count. If you are morally upright and have quality service to offer...the world will locate you! 
Don't ever say"its my life, so I decide what I do with it"
It's not your life! It is the life given to you by someone which is God, and you don't decide what you do with your life. It's Him who decides for you, who tells you what to do and what not to do.
 In the first place if you acknowledge the fact that someone wakes you up in the you an opportunity to see another  day, then you'll realise that, that same Person has assigned a purpose to you which you must  fulfill.

Sometimes I am forced to ask if admission into the University is now a license to prostitution, arm robbery, sex addiction, lesbianism, homosexuality,triple dating, flirting, name it.....
It's  ridiculous how our institution of higher learning has turned into a dumping ground for all manner of immorality.
    While at home, in your father's house, you don't do all that. But the minute your admitted into the University you turn into  runs girls and runs boys.
In those days,sleeping around was as a result of poverty; those whose parents lacked the wherewithal to train and sustain them in school. But now, even the daughters of ministers are runs girls all in the name of "Big girl"

Young girls!  Where did our medulla oblongata wander off to?  Where did the attitude of a real African girl crawl to? Why have we lost our sense of dignity and honor? Why have we chosen to behave like animals?
For goodness sake! The most important professional asset you have as a woman is your reputation. There is nothing more important than being a magnificent woman.
   You don't have to be a slay mama or runs girl nor date every guy in campus to be popular. You can be the most intelligent student and be popular.  You can be the best singer and be popular. You can also have the best moral attitude and be popular. 
Stop thinking you can do whatever you wish with your life because the world is watching you and some day you will be addressed by it.

For the naive future stars of tomorrow that are less concerned with their public actions ... You post half naked pictures of yourself on social media platforms, upload a  selfie on a table of drinks and cigarettes, take pictures of yourself in the club and a guy holding your waist and Boob's all over Facebook, Instagram and other social networks. You think that's where it ends right?
We live in the midst of the greatest technological revolution of all time. The world is moving faster than ever. In the next few years,your social media account and public actions will speak for you in  places of honor and recognition. Your history may have to be streamlined before your offered a great position in the world.

As a player in the game of life,you need to prepare and position yourself for what's coming. Prepare yourself for opportunities so that you can take advantage of them when they come. But there is one important characteristic of preparation that you must understand -- it takes time.
Bigger opportunities require bigger preparation. That's why it's important that you prepare yourself for future opportunities early. Don't wait until they come before you start preparing for them.  It would have been too late by then.

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. In whatever you do be different. If you are different you'll stand out. Don't trade yourself for nothing more than dollars.

For younger girls, especially the high school leavers, start now to build your self worth and self confidence. This is the right time to market your potentials. Age is not a barrier. Discover who you are and start doing something with it. There is no limit to what you can achieve. The sky is your limit.

And to adults who have tampered with their time, it's never too late. 
Don't be afraid to start Over because you learn more from failure than from success. Forget your past and start doing what you want to do now.
All you need is the courage to pursue it.

I love to see young people especially,women,take charge of
their lives responsibly.
One thing is sure --- that the road to integrity and virtue is difficult and usually tiresome,but never give up! Some day you will be rewarded immensely.


  1. Nice posts chisom more grace to your elbows.
    I kinda like how you encourage young ones. Thats what i actually do @ but in a different niche. I like your posts, keep going.


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