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Friday 4 August 2017


Over 30,000 teenagers leave secondary school yearly with the hope of bouncing into the University the following year and every year, jamb has over 1,000000 registered candidates of various courses.

It is true that at this stage of life, teenagers are usually faced with the problem of choice.
Many of them come out of secondary school with a naive mind; not being exposed to experiences as regards where they are heading to, so they choose courses that suit their parents and peer groups and in most cases a course they feel is "professional" to the saying ---am studying law, medicine, engineering,accounting....etc

No course is unprofessional! Even Educational courses are professional courses. It is you who makes it enviable and worth studying in your own way.
It is the manner at which you approach a course that makes it either professional or not.

Have you wondered why most students,especially from 2 -3 hundred level usually become tired of lectures and reading and quickly begin to wish they are graduates; being so carefree about their result ----whether it's 1st class,2nd class or 3rd class.
In your first year,  you will be extremely happy and very energetic for lectures; studying hard to make the best grade...being so dedicated and committed to your studies.
200level first semester you are gradually hating the stress of learning and at 2nd semester your tired of reading..lecture begins to bore only read when it's exam time.
Finally in 300level... You can't wait to be done with school because at this point your no longer bothered about what grade you come out with...even if it's a 3rd doesn't matter! What matters is that your out! What life holds for you after then is not important! And that's how you end up achieving nothing after 4-5 years of paying school fees, buying textbooks, buying handouts and other financial expenses.

The day you get that jamb form and fill in a course that does not tally with your passion, that is day you enroll for 4 years of waste,shame and sorrow.
 Let your course of study be in line with your Gift.

Stop wasting time and energy on courses that do not tally with your Gift.
Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors but it takes passion to open them.

Everyone has a passion which relates to his/her  gift! There must be a skill your good at doing naturally and that you derive joy from doing it without being paid. So enrolling for a course that tallies with that passion of yours will help you develop that skill to a more professional level,thereby,preparing  you financially for life after school.

I think understanding education as the act of acquiring particular knowledge(ie skill) and preparing oneself intellectually for mature life will help you make the right decision in your  course of study.

Stop filling form for medicine when your gift is singing...or applying for Engineering when you are a born writer just because you want people to say your studying a professional course.
At this point you wouldn't know what your doing to yourself until you graduate and start hunting for jobs like there's no tomorrow.
If your Gift is dancing, why not apply for theater art... Or if you have passion for singing, why not apply for music?

You may want to ask"what if I apply for my dream course but in return get admitted to another course?
    The truth is ---many young scholars do not work hard enough to win. Most times they don't even get the appropriate score required for the course and other times, they are not conscious of what they want. 

You have the power to draw to yourself whatever you wish because everything you seek  is in existence. All you need to do is put your mind consistently to it, work hard and you will get it.
Don't shy away from hard things. Instead train yourself to become a person that can endure difficulties. NO STRAIN NO GAIN!

During your 4 years of schooling,your strength will fail you,but what will give you the courage and inspiration to keep moving on is your passion ---it will sustain you in the long run!
It is that burning desire that makes you still hold on to attaining a First Class degree even when your hit by stumbling blocks like not being able to pay your fees,lecturer harassment, missing script, bad result... etc.

We may not always have the opportunity  to correct our mistakes,so  hold on tightly to every opportunity and use it wisely ---you may not know when the dawn will come. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.


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