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Friday 22 September 2017


Its an undeniable fact that we have transformed seduction into an art form. Of course sexual immorality is nothing new as it now reaches into every African home. Innocence is becoming a quaint concept with  children and teenagers exposed to immoral seduction. In fact sexual immorality has become a norm! Any teenage girl that is not involved in "flirting"  is seen as a "Jew girl"... She feels life has not started. Indeed every  day seems to bring a newly celebrated opportunity for further immortality because we now live in a culture where sex sells everything.

The one thing that marvels me is how girls - teenagers at that , "do the sex act with" different men -- men old enough to be their father. Men they obviously know  nothing can happen  between them. I realise that 99% of modern day adults see sex as nothing! To them, it's just a 5minutes bed dance of a man putting something long in the form flesh into her and bringing it out again.. Its amazing how and where such thought emanated from.

And  I keep asking..... When did sexual immorality become a norm in the society?  that a girl must sleep with not less than 10 -15 men before marriage.

If only our young girls could  understand that sex is not a physical connection but a spiritual bond,   and even beyond,  they wouldn't be messing around with men who have no future  plans for them.
  I don't know, but maybe  you think you're too  young to be coordinated, but I am pleased to let you know that "morality"  has no age limit. Or maybe you think its a way of enjoying your youthful age.  To  you, you call it fun!  Yeah... you're having fun now, but someday  you'll pay for the damage  you caused your future today.

Its unfortunate  you have no one to advice you or scold you,  but at some point in life, you need to call yourself to order knowing that you aren't getting any younger. Incredibly, many  parents have proven unwilling to take this challenge seriously.

Let's play a puzzle ---  Have you ever imagined if your husband to be  happens to be a brother  to one of the men you throw your body at every night?
Its so shameless, disgusting and demeaning how one could sleep with someone else's husband and stand right before his  wife forming friendship with her without remorse or guilty conscience.
So shameless to the extent you  sex a guy you have no atom of genuine feeling for just because you're broke!!!

Aren't you challenged when you see young girls like you  hustling to become somebody in life? Aren't you challenged when you see your fellow pretty  girls doing business to earn a living?
Why have sexual  inter course with a man you know fully well you wouldn't end up with??? Maybe you think you're playing smart but It is the way you carry yourself that you'll be addressed.
Don't think you can flirt as you wish at youthful age and expect to be great when you're older. You may be successful but not great because there is a great gap between greatness and success. I still go by that old you make your bed so you must  lie on it.

I know by now you would be wondering and saying to yourself "after all who virginity or morality help? Maybe it has not helped anybody, but it may help you. Or after all how many decent ladies are doing well? Maybe none are doing well, but you can make a difference."

If you have the will power to be great, start today to avoid sex with unknown people. You may not be married as a virgin, but try to avoid random sex, though sex before marriage isn't ideal.  Having sex with someone in a serious relationship, that is to say,  a defined relationship with at most 90% possibility of getting married is quite dignifying  but having sex with just any man you  come across, be it for money or whatever, is absurd.

Life is a game. Its only you who  knows how high you want to score after playing a game right?  So live like your life is dependent  on achieving that score if you actually want to get there.


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