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Sunday 30 July 2017


Donkey's years ago,people lived freely,not minding who was watching or what anybody had to say about them. They were glued to just waking up,eating,going to work and then sleeping again. It was indeed a free world!

But today, it's no more like that...people no longer live that routine life, a lot has changed and we must change too.
Everyone must take time to develop himself;truly understanding who you are, discovering your talent and fully utilizing it.

What is your creative genius?

Your creative genius is your God given talent.  It's that thing you have a natural ability for;something you do without having to sit in any classroom or lecture hall or attend a program or seminar to know it. Every human being,off which you are not an exception,has a gift deposited in him and that is what makes you unique and more desirable by others.
It is this gift that spots you from the crowd if  well utilized.
The interesting thing about this Gift is that, you don't feel a tinge of stress while exercising it and you are just so happy. It makes you a professional  without attending any seminar or tutorial. It's just so amazing!

It's very unfortunate that most of us are not aware of what we have,and even when we do, we are less concerned about developing or utilizing it because we ignore the power of our "natural ability".
We rather prefer paying money at one skill acquisition centre or the other,than using what we have.

Many a time, it could be quite difficult discovering your talent but its most difficult not giving it a try.
Discovering mine wasn't really easy. It took me years  until now that I just realised what I have and am putting in everything to see that it's fully utilized. Right now, I can say am fulfilled!
It's not so easy. This could take a deep reflection and evaluation of yourself;having some quiet days alone. 

Here are some ways to discovering your talent:
1. What do you love doing at your free time,especially when your alone?
2.what's that thing you do without feeling it was stressful?
3. What's that thing you do without realising it's time up?
4. What's that activity you have a burning passion for,off course,it wasn't suggested by anybody?
5. What's that act that people around you make comments like"wow! You are really good at this,you are just an expert, this thing would really fit you if you go into it....etc"
6. That thing that gives you an inner joy because you realise you've just done it.

Mind you... You can be multi talented.  It doesn't have to be just one thing, but you may decide on which things you want to focus your energy on.

One thing is having the ability and another thing is turning that ability into a source of income.
The interesting thing about turning your talent into a source of income is that, it makes you outstandingly successful .  Off course you know what that means...your services would be wanted by thousands of people around the world.

Note that ---its not just enough to have the natural ability.  So if you must earn from have to put in extra time,energy and focus to develop it professionally.

Honestly , discovery and utilization of talent is the best thing that ever happened to mankind... It allows you to just be yourself with ease.
Give it a try today and thank me tomorrow because there will never be a thing as amazing as that in your life.


  1. Nice one Chisom. Keep it up!

  2. You are really inspiring the world. May the lord use you to change our generation.


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