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Tuesday 1 August 2017


Some people say prostitution is a spiritual thing while others say it's out of frustration,poverty and greed or hereditary.
Well, I say ---prostitution is a thing of the mind! "I am a prostitute because I want to be! "

You know,the term"prostitution" has gone beyond  that level of standing on the road,waiting for one rich man to say"siiiii" and then you turn, bash into the car and off you go to bargain in the bedroom before some "touching body".
No!  No!  No! That style is outdated! 
Sleeping around from one man to another all in the name of relationship is "prostitution".
So to those of you who sleep from one man to  another all in the name of relationship or trying to find the right man.... You are also a prostitute!
There is no difference between those who stand on the road and you! Maybe the slight difference may just be "the standing thing"

A lot of girls have turned into  whores just because of this thing called"boyfriend and girlfriend".... some, because they are in need of money for upkeep and maintenance , and others for the fun of it!


A relationship is not bad off course,but trying to please your partner to your own disadvantage is bad! If I had my way, I would suggest to stay out of boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. It's either you're courting for marriage or it's nothing else!

Be sure to make friends,have chykers around, laugh with them, visit them if you trust them enough and be good to them. Study each of them,especially the ones you feel something for...and when your ready to settle down,accept the one you think and feel is right for you,get into a few time relationship with him and get to know him better...then if your satisfied with him.. Go ahead and get married.

Trust me... It's easier to endure quarrels and fights in marriage than in relationships...that your  not even sure of where it's heading to.

However,its quite difficult having someone you truly feel something for around you and he feels the same way too but you can't have each other. It's really a hard one! 

But if you must go into a relationship with that person,you must first define that relationship depending on your partner's maturity in terms of behaviour, that is, (if it eventually leads to marriage).

You must not be of the habit of trying to please him for any reason whatsoever.

You shouldn't have to do things like...ending a good friendship with a friend because he says he doesn't like that person or washing his clothes and cooking for him when your obviously exhausted and needs to rest or having sex with him just because his in the mood and your not.

You shouldn't have to start making silly sacrifices that doesn't suit you such as giving him money because his broke and then trekking a long distance because you can no longer transport yourself or stop doing the things you enjoy doing because his not comfortable whenever you do them...that's bullshit!

You must be void of any form of pretense. You must be just yourself!  The relationship must allow you complete freedom to be who you truly are without restricting you in anyway.
So if your relationship with that man or woman is trying to change the real you,then you shouldn't waste any more time to opt out... Cos it's not for you!

Mind you -- there is a huge difference between influencing someone and changing someone.
Influencing someone comes with a positive feeling,in such a way that the other person doesn't feel cheated or used or a feeling of grudge. It has to flow naturally and the other person has to feel thankful for such. It should be something that even after you've gone your separate ways or indulge in a serious misunderstanding, the other person still remains thankful to you and still feels positive about what you did for him despite whatever went wrong.

On the hand, " CHANGING SOMEONE "  comes with a negative feeling such that the person feels his trying to please you or his doing something for you out of pity. It is usually not natural, and whenever there is a breakdown in the relationship or a slight quarrel or fight,the other person begins to feel regretful and wish he never did those things.

So your relationship shouldn't change you, rather, it should influence you.
There is no rule that says "sex must prevail in your relationship neither is there any rule that says you must have sex in every relationship"

So stop sleeping around from one man to another all in the name of "building relationships". You mustn't be in a relationship!!!
There are some people who are lucky with relationships and there are others who are not no matter how good they present themselves, they still end up  being dumped for just no reason.
Study yourself well and know where you belong and stop wasting your  precious body in relationships.


Have you ever thought of starting up a mini business and grow it up?
Have you ever thought of being independent;not having to ask anything from anybody?
Have you ever thought of feeding and helping others through your wealth?
Have you ever thought of being the reason why someone out there is living?
Have you ever thought of the self respect and honor those men who give you money to sleep with them will accord you when they realize you offer a service they can buy?
What about your family?  Have you ever thought of being the bread winner of your family;  Being the reason why your poor family is rich today?

A lot of you make not less than 20k per night and all you do is use the money to buy expensive handbags and shoes.
Why don't you take the firm courage today to stand out from the crowd.
Start up something no matter how small and be persistent in doing it and with time you'll be happy with yourself.

You can start up a baking business,soap making, yogurt production, selling of okirika clothes, mini importation,a small indomie cooking business...etc.  the above business cost just or less than  ten thousand naira to start up.
Engage your effort of having sex for 6hours everyday to something productive and see how amazing your life would be.


Have you ever imagined making fun out of your passion?  Making fun out of that thing you enjoy doing.
That's the best fun you can get!  It's the best thing that can ever happen to you.

Have you ever imagined being the best out of what you do?  Like being the best writer, hair dresser, fashion designer,singer,comedian,actress...etc.
MAKE FUN OUT OF YOUR PASSION TODAY,instead of making fun out of something unproductive;something that adds no value to who you are.
You would never realize how much damage you've caused yourself until the day that fun expires. 

It's not too late!  Nothing has spoilt!  You can still take that bold step to mend your ways and become a better you to your family, friends and those around you.


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